Source: Pedzai, C. (2024). UX/UI portfolio projects for beginners #2: eCommerce site. Retrieved from UX Design Mastery
Ecommerce project by Calvin Pedzai
Choose any clothing brand of your liking.
2 weeks.
Create a responsive eCommerce website that can:
Young males and females, aged 25–35.
Blake, 31
PAIN POINT: Faster way of discovering products when searching.
Sarah, 26
PAIN POINT: Can I change the quantity of the products I add to the cart?
Crystal, 28
PAIN POINT: How do I know these products are worth purchasing and reliable?
Conduct research on these eCommerce websites for inspiration:
Use tools like the Illustrator toolkit for mini wireframes or libraries like Figma’s Ant-UX Wireframes. Create for both mobile and desktop.
Include a category page with filters, a product detail page, a menu/search bar, and a cart.
Fonts & Colors:
Align with the chosen brand’s identity.