How connected are you with what you eat?
It would be best to utilize each ingredient’s packaging to help dictate the form and color of the symbols, icons, maps, overlays, size, and spatial relationships to portray the story of your favorite meal best. This project’s final format and medium is up to your interests and discretion (e.g., poster, website, booklet, etc.).
“The gifts of the earth are all in one bowl, all to be shared from a single spoon. This is the vision of the economy of the commons, wherein resources fundamental to our well-being, like water & land & forests, are commonly held rather than commodified.”
– Kimmerer, Robin Wall. Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants. 1. ed., Milkweed Editions, 2013, p. 376.
Write a reflection essay as a deliverable about what you learned about the carbon footprint of the food they eat and how. This project will allow you to explore the connection between agriculture and climate change.
Your project can be an infographic on posters to, pizza boxes, recipe cards to life-size cereal packaging. It would be best if you chose a subject you have some connection to. The end goal is the depiction of the message and content.