How to Create a Space Travel Infographic in Adobe InDesign

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Fussell, G. (2019). How to Create a Space Travel Infographic in Adobe InDesign: Envato Tuts+. Retrieved from Envato Tuts+.

Final product image

What You’ll Be Creating

If you’ve used Adobe InDesign before but are new to creating infographic layouts, this tutorial is a great introduction to combining type and graphics in a visually interesting way.

What You’ll Need to Create Your Infographic

You’ll need access to both Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator, and to download the following images and fonts from Envato Elements:

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. How to Create a Web Document in InDesign

Step 1: Create a New Document

New document

Step 2: Organize Layers

Type layer

2. How to Create a Celestial Backdrop

Step 1: Place the Background

Placed image

Step 2: Add a Gradient Shape

Gradient feather

3. How to Create a Starry Header for Your Infographic

Step 1: Add Text

Character panel

Step 2: Apply an Image Fill

Space image

4. How to Build Up Graphics on Your Layout

Step 1: Add Arrows

Arrow stroke

Step 2: Add Icons

Mars icon

Step 3: Add Text

Text alignment

Conclusion: Your Finished Infographic

Your infographic is complete! You can now export it for sharing online as a PNG or JPEG file.

Final infographic






