How to Create a Double Light Effect in Photoshop

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![Final product image](
What You’ll Be Creating

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a double-light effect in Photoshop. Use the example photograph as a guide when selecting your photo.

What You Will Learn in This Double Light Effect Tutorial

What You’ll Need

To recreate the design above, you will need the following resources:

1. How to Get Started

First, open the photo that you want to work with. To open your photo, go to File > Open, choose your photo, and click Open.

  1. Your photo should be in RGB Color mode, 8 Bits/Channel. To check this, go to Image > Mode.
  2. For best results, your photo size should be 2000–4000 px wide/high. To check this, go to Image > Image Size.
  3. Your photo should be the Background layer. If it is not, go to Layer > New > Background from Layer.
![checking image mode and size](

2. How to Select the Subject in Photoshop

Step 1

In this section, we are going to make a selection of our subject and then copy the subject to a separate layer. Choose the Quick Selection Tool (W) and select the background of the photo. Use the Shift-Alt buttons on your keyboard to add or subtract areas from the selection. After you’ve made a perfect selection, press Control-Shift-I on your keyboard to invert the selection.

![making selection](

Step 2

Now go to Select > Modify > Smooth and set the Sample Radius to 5 px. Next, go to Select > Modify > Contract and set Contract By to 1 px. Finally, go to Select > Modify > Feather and set the Feather Radius to 1 px.

![modifying selection](

Step 3

Press Control-J on your keyboard to create a new layer using the selection. Name this new layer Subject.

![creating new layer using selection](

3. How to Create a Double Light Photoshop Effect

Step 1

In this section, we are going to create a double light effect. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Black & White to create a new black & white adjustment layer, and name it Subject_Saturation.

![creating new black and white adjustment layer](

Step 2

Now press Control-Alt-G on your keyboard to create a clipping mask. Then, change the Blending Mode of this layer to Color and set the Opacity to 50%.

![changing blending mode and opacity](

Step 3

Go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color to create a new solid color fill layer, name it Left Light, and choose the color #ff0000 as shown below:

![creating new solid color fill layer](

Step 4

Now change the Blending Mode of this layer to Overlay, set the Opacity to 75% and press Control-Alt-G to create a clipping mask. Then, select the layer mask of this layer and press Control-I to invert its color. After that, set the foreground color to #ffffff, choose the Brush Tool (B), pick a soft brush, and brush over the photo where you want to reveal the left light.

![brushing into layer mask](

Step 5

Go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color to create a new solid color fill layer, name it Right Light, and choose the color #0080ff as shown below. Then, drag it just below the Left Light layer in the Layers panel.

![creating new solid color fill layer](

Step 6

Now change the Blending Mode of this layer to Overlay, set the Opacity to 75%. Then, select the layer mask of this layer and press Control-I on your keyboard to invert its color. After that, set the foreground color to #ffffff, choose the Brush Tool (B), pick a soft brush, and brush over the photo where you want to reveal the right light.

![brushing into layer mask](

Step 7

Right-click on the Left Light layer, choose Blending Options and make the adjustments below. Then, repeat this for the Right Light layer.

![adjusting blending options](

4. How to Create the Glow

Step 1

In this section, we are going to create the double light glow. Alt-click on the Subject layer and hold and drag the layer to create a new duplicated layer at the top of the layers in the Layers panel. Then, while this new layer is selected, go to Filter > Filter Gallery > Stylize > Glowing Edges, and set the Edge Width to 2, Edge Brightness to 20, and Smoothness to 15.

![adding glowing edges filter](

Step 2

Now press Control-Shift-U to desaturate this layer. Then, go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set the Radius to 10 px.

![adding gaussian blur filter](

Step 3

Right-click on this layer, choose Blending Options and make the adjustments below.

![adjusting blending options](

Step 4

Now change the Blending Mode of this layer to Linear Dodge (Add) and name it Subject Glow. Then, select the Left Light layer and Control-click on the Right Light layer to select both layers at the same time. After that, Alt-click on any of these two layers and hold and drag the layers to create new duplicated layers just above the Subject Glow layer in the Layers panel.

![duplicating layers](

Step 5

While these two layers are selected, press Control-Shift-G to create clipping masks. Then, change their Blending Mode to Color and set the Opacity to 25%. After that, rename the Left Light copy layer to Left Glow and the Right Light copy layer to Right Glow.

![changing blending mode and opacity](

5. How to Make the Final Adjustments

Step 1

In this section, we are going to make the final adjustments to the effect. Select the Background layer, go to Layer > New Fill Layer > Gradient Fill to create a new gradient fill layer, name it Background Tint, and use the settings below:

![creating new gradient fill layer](
The left color stop has the color #ff0000 and the right color stop has the color #0080ff.

Step 2

Now change the Blending Mode of this layer to Color and set the Opacity to 20%.

![changing blending mode and opacity](

Step 3

Select the Left Glow layer, go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Levels to create a new levels adjustment layer, and name it Overall Brightness.

![creating new levels adjustment layer](

Step 4

Now Double-click on this layer thumbnail and, in the Properties panel, enter the settings below:

![adjusting levels](

Step 5

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Vibrance to create a new vibrance adjustment layer and name it Overall Vibrance/Saturation.

![creating new vibrance and saturation adjustment layer](

Step 6

Now Double-click on this layer thumbnail and, in the Properties panel, set the Vibrance to +20 and Saturation to +10.

![adjusting vibrance and saturation](

You Made It!

Here is our final result:

![final result](






